Color Block_Card.jpg

The Organization of Things

The card sort was comprised of products, services, and different functions that will be available on the app. All the participants were online shoppers who created similar categories but had different ideas on the app functionality and use. The common theme was the ability to have control and customize the experience. Based on the feedback, I decided to incorporate a customized experience where the user can shop based on their preferences and receive style recommendations. For this exercise, I used participants in the Washington, DC area. I decided that usability testing down the line would provide an opportunity to determine any variances between U.S. shoppers and Kenyan shoppers.

Evaluating Information Architecture

Evaluating Information Architecture

Participants organized the cards and topics in categories that made sense to them. This presented new insight about the intention behind a design versus how it's received. In some cases, cards that made sense to me, presented a challenge to the users. This re-emphasized the importance of checking in with your target audience.


Mapping Information Architecture

Mapping Information Architecture

The card sort informed the layout for the site map. Once I reviewed and analyzed participants feedback, I was able to develop the site hierarchy.