
Now, For the Journey

The initial user stories included the feature to buy and sell. The user flows provided a moment to slow down and consider each action and what is needed for the action to happen. I had to think about the before and after. If the user chooses a certain action, there must be a response. Going through these steps highlighted the complexities behind the "Sell" feature. 

Task Analysis

Task Analysis

The task analysis focused on the buyer and seller's actions. I wanted to go through the actions a Seller would need to complete in order to set up a page for their product. There were a number of steps involved for these actions. The second task focused on the actions a user would complete to make a purchase. The third task was for a user that wants to login with their Facebook account. 


User Story

User Story

The story provides an opportunity to walk through the goals of the user. This time I had to think about what the user wants to achieve when using my product. I found it helpful because it provides an outline for the design. As a living document, it functions as a checklist.


User Flow

User Flow

Once I completed the task analysis and user stories, I chose tasks that focused on user goals such as login, buying, and checkout. At this point in the project, I was still focusing on buying and selling which is reflected in one of the user flows.